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I like the aesthetic, and I'm very curious about the game in general.

I wish you had a real choice of who to reply to tho.
I'll never understand why some game force you to go through other people before you can choose the one you really want.

(Although I'll admit Inferno DO seem like a lot of fun. xD)

As much as I don't get why you'd want to take revenge on someone who broke up with you (which I presume you still love), I still think the mc is a bit weak-minded for not going all-out on her revenge.
I mean... If you hate someone, why would you care about them at all, or what happens to them?
And if you do care about them, why would you want to take revenge in the first place?

...she's also clearly and idiot. Considering she's insulting someone she knows very well what is capable of.

Honestly... it's kinda sweet. I wish I could tell him that.


I like Echo. He's kinda cute. lol
And just creepy enough that I question the mc's idiocy for not noticing that.

Then again, I'm learning interesting things about her last relationship, so I see why she has a few...blind-spots. lol
Nice touch btw.

Echo is SO much better than the trope he plays at.

...I AM a little worried about the integrity of my laptop right now tho.
But it seems to be non-malicious at least.
And does add to the creepy effect.

I also wonder why the last character route isn't available, even after playing the other two.

The game itself have a very interesting setup tho.

While I'd love to see more choices that are REAL choices (and longer routes), it's a really good game as far as I can see.

The aesthetics of it works very well with the theme as well.

I am also VERY curious about what the heck the Admin is, and how he manage to do what he does.
It feels like there is a bigger story behind this story, and I'd love to learn what it is.

I do hope to see that last route someday, because overall this game was pretty good, if short.


I'm Super sad the game most likely won't be finished because I just played it and it really is amazing.


Sad that this game won't actually be finished 😭

wait really???


Yes, it hasn't been updated in a loooong time :(

this is my first time commenting, but genuinely, I already LOOOVE this so much. it has such cool glitchy effects and it honestly shocked me a little. loved it so so much and im looking forward to the future content!

for some reason I don't have access to echos route. it says "locked". do I have to do something in order to get it or what?


u need to finish inf3rn0 route first

Is it okay for me to translate this game and public it?

Am I allowed to stream/record this game? 🥰

Yup go ahead


okay absolutely loved this game, but holy moli did I genuinely get scared when echo closed the program.


NOOO ECHO C'MON!!!! i sincerely did like you (ノД`)


why is the admin kinda...

i can't download doesnt appear the file when i click the install button..

(1 edit)

what type of laptop/pc do you have ? (mac, linus, windows)


Ran into the same issue. Betting they are  trying to download it via the itch app. Sometimes the option to download the game isn't there (it just shows an empty dropdown in place of where you would typically select what version) and you have to open the game page on browser and download it that way. I'm not sure what causes this, but this definitely isn't the first time I've seen it.

but then can you play the game using itchio app? i run into this issue a lot but i like to keep my stuff organized on the app like my saves and stufgff


This hasn't been updated in nearly a year. Are you guys still working on it?


Echo made me have a mini heart attack and i played his route 18 times....


A very interesting work!<3

This game was very well made! I love how the text moves with the emotions of the game. I can't wait to play with the other characters!


I can't wait for the completed game!


Do you have an estimate for when the full game will be out?

The visual glitches and general vibe is so cool, stylish, and creepy. The art kind of reminds me of old pc-98 VNs due to the pixel/binary pen outlines, love it! Not sure if I got all the endings, but I'll keep poking around. Looking forward to the last route. <3


are we gonna get a route for admin? cuz what they said when i tried the secret ending really made me think that lol

(1 edit)

I'm currently playing as I type this in, might type more later but! Ohmygoshhh the GUI is so gorgeous!??!?!?!?!?!I'M LOVING IT !!!! :DDD

Edit: Okay i finished up until the second route and all I can say is that IT'S SO GOOD (zips mouf due to spoilers) RAHHH!!! /pos

OMG this is one of my favorite things to experience in these games, I don't want to spoil much but I had so much fun with this game and I love these guys! Can't wait to see what Thowawayacc's deal is, yes I can, I can wait patiently. And with all the little secrets I still feel that I missed something, please let me know if I missed something!


Yo!!! I watch your videos (you make a lotta VN content I like) anyways thanks for checking this out! Hopefully I can get into making the last part after being on a hiatus the weeks lmao

Thank you so much and please take as long as you need! I fully understand needing a long break, and small progress is still progress!



LMAO hopefully soon, I'm just coming out of a hiatus


ohhhhh hope everything is oki!! gl w the game 

WOWOWOW i absolutely adored everything about this game! the clever way of the UI + sfx into the route had entirely immersed me—i was horrified when the game paused, glitched, and then rolled back. yet, i was also struck!!! this was so cool!!!!!

Deleted post

This is so cool! !Please come on! I am so looking forward to the follow-up development of the game! !

(1 edit)

Oh my god, wow, this is just... Wow. This is so damn meta especially in Echo's route and like?? Please, the way Echo connects his route with Inf3rn0's route is so damn cool, not only that but the mechanics and the secrets... It's so cool! I was a sucker for the psychological mystery in Inf3rn0's route but now it cranked high up when Echo just bulldozed his way over (and really, the line where MC goes "especially the ones right in front of you" like bABE DON'T TEASE US LIKE THAT!) I noticed the lil details in Inf3rn0's route that I didn't notice before, especially in that one ending. And the clicking of the lighter that's so constant...

It's all so amazing like wth??? Everything is so connected and well-placed, absolutely adore it! And spoilers!!!

Also about what The Admin said about us deleting the .chr *side eyes* Third times the charm eh?? Poor throwawayacc... Not only that but with the way The Admin keeps referring to us and their somewhat intense fixation on us getting a happy ending... Everything is so curious and cool omg, looking forward to what comes next!

Also question, I deleted the .chr folder but is there a way to bring them back, or do I need to redownload the game again?

Yo i hope you know how much appreciation game devs have for intricate comments like these! Because I loved reading your feedback, anyways you can just put the .chr files back normally and restart the game

Overall great game so far! I feel like I actually did something!

hi uhm Echo's route won't show up to me and its still says unlock?

Hi you have to finish Inf3rn0's route first before you unlock Echo  :)

Thank you!

(1 edit)

The way I squealed when the yanchat address actually opened the tumblr-







'you were never in control' hmm? ...I'm gonna kick this sassy MC, I swear.

Seeing "SugarLIAR_6969" made me laugh far longer than it had any right to.

I love how transparent the MC's... issues feel after seeing Inf3rn0's true ending. And yet, Echo_Echo is so understanding when we say something so clearly disturbing. <3

I'm WHEEZING- Of course I get the ending where he doesn't like me first.

...I didn't hear the whispers until my second playthrough and SOMEHOW let myself get startled when it auto-played past 'Listen'

Man, the only thing I did wrong was breezing past him wanting my number. THE ONE MISSTEP- xD

Ok, the Admin getting sassy after I deleted Echo. LOOK- He told me too, so, really, this is kinda on you for making him like that, buddy. Kidding~

This Admin is growing on me too. I'm gonna keep coming back to bug them every update. No matter how many times they change the password. <3


Also, I was so delighted to see the character names in their CHR files! I had a feeling after the admin file, but it's an odd kinda validating. Almost makes me not wanna delete 'em! ...almost. <3

...hold the phone, does that mean that the instructions are from throwawayacc? 'You'll meet me soon, I'll explain everything.'

Loved that deleting Inf3rn0 got a quick screen too. I restored them, though! No void for either of the first two. Not yet. <3


i took a lot of inspiration from doki doki literature club heh, but anyways thanks for playing! im glad you noticed most of the details too :))

This game is interesting! I will wait for Throwawayacc route

Thanks for playing and even making a video about it! <3

(3 edits)






Honestly the whole game so far, is literally great, the pixel art is really good, but I keep having trouble getting all the endings. Basically means i'll be seeing their faces more. c:

That was story was pretty messed up, but it was good messed up. 👍 


if you follow my tumblr, i'll probably release a guide for the endings! anyways thanks for playing tho :)


My god was this so fun, I love the little details and how well polished everything looks. Not to mention when I hopped over to check your tumblr and saw the little details that we may have missed out, I was flabberghasted and felt creeped out when I looked back on my experience playing through the demo (I KNEW THE REPORTER FELT SUS)

There will be spoilers below because the "True Ending" is making my mind spin!

So does this mean Inf3rn0 was never real to begin with in the True Ending where MC is just gripping that red lighter?? Inf3rn0 was just conjured up by MC's mind to rationalize the shit they put other people through or used Inf3rn0 as a sort of symbolism that represented all of their ugly desires?? But there also is the wierd ways like how The Admin (now that we know its an AI because of the secret route) used Inf3rn0 and instantly teleported us to a shoddy "good ending" so is everything a simulator then? It's just interesting how many themes can be blending in just 3 endings. The classic "main character went crazy and everything they did was all in their head", "main character snapping and turning evil but then delusionally convinces themselves that everything is okay", "it was just a simulation/dream" and so on and so forth. It's impressive how everything worked out and I'm wondering if you'll ever expand on Inf3rn0's route or if his route is "complete" and just serves as an introductory character to the madness that the players will be thrust in to.

Regardless of that, I really enjoyed playing through it and marvelling at the art and effects, there were those spooky factors and I gotta say, those were really great. Looking forward to what comes next~!

what's their twitter? ^^


Hello hello~! I'm actually not sure about their twitter as I have only seen them in tumblr. But I think if you search their game in twitter you'll find it!

loved it, def want the other routes. one of the few games im keeping installed after completion (ykwim)


AMAZING!!!! You got me interested *-*

I can't wait to see the other routes ;w;/♥

Thank u <3 Awesome vid btw 👌

Your welcome ♥ Thanks!! :D

ohhhhh it's a great game!!!i cant wait to see more<3

i got 3 endings but i dunno how to get the secret ending(i read those comments but i still cant get it👉👈)

pls help meeeeeeeeee🥹


i have a detailed guide on my tumblr if that helps!

oh  thx😘

this will definitely help me move on lmao

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