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man tha was awesome

I'm looking forward other routs!!!

(1 edit)


Absolutely loved it! Looking forward for more <33

AYO i watch your vids! thanks, love ur stuff too 👌

how do you get the 1nf3rn0's 3rd ending? i've gotten the one where the admin forcibly gives you the good ending and the one where he follows you home, but i have no idea as to how to get the third one after a few minutes of trial and error. (ur games fuckin amazing dudes. lookin forward to future updates)


check out my tumblr for a detailed guide for all endings, my dude 👌 & thanks 4 playing dis game lmao

thanks shawty spread love my dude

This game makes me through that it actually glitched and WOW!!! It's so good. I love how much effect this game has 


thanks i worked hard to make those glitches believable oof <3

THIS IS SO COOL??? so excited for the other routes aaaahh!!


I got some vision in my head

very cool and unique!! im loving all the secrets and stuff hidden in the files too! cant wait for bbg echo to be unlocked <33

Well that was certainly interesting. 

This was fun! I really loved the aesthetics of the game, it did take me back to the old internet forum vibe I also really liked the pixel art, and the monochrome with a splash of red! Inferno's expressions were spot on too, and the attention to detail was so good

Looking forward to the other routes!


I was so delighted by the little throw-backs to the original Tumblr. Especially seeing Yuki still fully friggin' active. SIR-

This was really unsettling that very first playthrough, but I was also curious enough to go through it multiple times. So, make of that what you will. xD


...we really should've put Inf3rn0's whole deal together faster. Literally walks up to us, lighter in hand. His 'favourite hiking trail' just so happens to be dealing  with a lot of 'wildfires' lately. His response to "Action movies". His DING DANG username.

I loved the touch of his sprite at first coming back with the lighter, but it being gone when the scene faded out.

I've gotten the easiest ending, where the admin forcibly gives you a good ending, and the one where you realise you're holding the lighter, but I can't seem to get the third... not the secret ending, by the by. Whatever Inf3rn0's third ending is.


man i love that you noticed the details!!! anyways, you actually got the true ending, to get the good ending by engaging him in conversation about his favorite movies then being flirty with him. The secret ending I answered below this comment on how it hehe



Oh... then I've definitely gotten those. The endings I've gotten, in order;

1. Inf3rn0 insists he did this for me, and Admin hacks me into a good ending.

2. I flirt with him and after slamming down my phone, realise I have his lighter in my hand.

3. The Secret ending where the Admin has the audacity to use my actual, in computer name.

Does that mean the secret ending is the third ending?


nope there's one more ending you didn't get and it has CG's of Inf3rn0 (you have to pick all the right answers plus the one about horror movies and being flirty) but im glad you got the secret ending heh.


and your number 2 is actually the true ending


Oof, that's kind of mean of me knowing what I now know of that lighter. Hope I get to give it back to Inf3rn0!






Aaaah, I see. I was being too accommodating when we met in person. Thanks for walking me through the last ending! Aaaah, I'm so excited to see how the rest of this game pans out!

...and what other, original YanChat references we may see. I wonder how these remake characters would respond to some of those old asks?

(1 edit) (+1)

i cant figure out how to get the secret ending!! please tell me how


Hiya! So to get the secret ending you have to go to the game file folder, continue to the admin folder and there you will find a username and a password to use in the game! Hope this helps!

(2 edits)

loved this demo, the art was very nice and the spooks actually caught me off guard, and the fake error screen was definitely funny. slight question tho, how does one get the secret ending? i saw 1 hint in game,but on a certain menu im not sure what to input


if you look at a certain .txt file you can find a username and password that you can out when the game asks you for your name :)

Deleted 194 days ago

this is probably one of my fav demos so far i loved it i cant wait to play the full game. <3 




If i can sum this game up in one sentence it would be: "What if 4-chan had bunch off yanderes sitting there". That doesnt mean its a bad thing quite the opposite really, but i also kinda see some "tweaks" through the game almost like we as a mc would fight off the game ourselves, but that is mostly theorizing.


oh man, you're actually not far off! when i made this concept back in 2019 i based it on old advice forums from the 2000s and 4chan!

Very good and well done! Such a fun play, can't wait to see more/the other routes!


damn this might just be the best yandere game demo I've seen since the past month this is amazing! I hope more people gets to play this it seriously deserves more love. 


Oh man that's really nice of you to say! thanks for taking the time to comment this, appreciate it :)

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